Tag - High Street

Robinson’s House – 105 High Street Maldon

Robinson's House - 105 High Street Maldon

Robinson’s House – 105 High Street Maldon

Robinson’s House on High Street Maldon is unusual architecture for Maldon as this gothic style is not often seen in a house in central Victoria. It is believed that the house was built in 1864.

The house is a beautiful example of the historic buildings in Maldon and each building has its own character.

Robinson’s House stands out in the morning light as you walk or drive down High Street.

Carriers Arms Hotel – 61-65 High Street Maldon

Carriers Arms Hotel • 61 - 65 High Street Maldon

Carriers Arms Hotel • 61 – 65 High Street Maldon

This building was The Carriers Arms Hotel, located at 61 – 65 High Street Maldon.

Originally built around 1857, little has changed to the appearance of the building. The building also used to have Maldon’s principal coaching office attached to it.

An application was recently made and approved for a Bakery to be established at the site along with additional commercial tenancies. The current status of this project is unknown.